New ACP-Curbsiders podcast episode available, ‘Hidden Curriculum’

The formal curriculum of medical education must be reinforced and enhanced by the hidden curriculum conveyed in medical schools, residency programs, hospitals, clinics, and team rooms.

Listen to the latest ACP-Curbsiders podcast on the hidden curriculum. Earlier this year, in a position paper published in Annals of Internal Medicine, ACP called on doctors to practice what they teach. The formal curriculum of medical education must be reinforced and enhanced by the hidden curriculum conveyed in medical schools, residency programs, hospitals, clinics, and team rooms.

ACP has partnered with The Curbsiders, a podcast hosted by internists focusing on internal medicine-related topics, to launch a CME-accredited series. After listening to each partnered episode, ACP members can log on to ACP's Online Learning Center to claim CME credit and MOC points. The Curbsiders is available on iTunes and other podcast platforms.