Search results for "Irritable Bowel"

Results 21 - 30 of about 50 for "Irritable Bowel".
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Guideline offers recommendations on treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Most of the recommendations are conditional, meaning that although they apply to many patients, some patients will do better with other treatments due to comorbid conditions or values and preferences, the guideline authors wrote.
11 Dec 2018

Abdominal wall pain as its own diagnosis

Internists can diagnose chronic abdominal wall pain with a simple physical exam and some savvy history taking, experts said, and reassure patients that their condition is not serious and may respond to treatment.
1 Sep 2017

Beyond counting sheep, helping patients sleep

This issue covers sleep hygiene, abdominal pain, and women's health.
1 Sep 2017

High-value management of patients with GI symptoms

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, rectal bleeding, and chronic diarrhea can be controlled better by applying high-value care.
1 Jun 2017

Warning on IBS drug for patients without gallbladders

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 May 2017

Managing food poisoning's aftermath in ambulatory care

Internal medicine staff can be the starting point for acute cases of food poisoning, starting the screening process on the telephone and helping determine which patients should be sent right to the ED. But they can also help patients afterward, as they manage potentially long-term complications.
1 Oct 2016

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluating a 1-year history of loose stools

A 67-year-old woman is evaluated for a 1-year history of loose stools. She reports approximately four episodes per day without abdominal pain. She has not had nausea, vomiting, weight loss, bright red blood per rectum, or melena. After a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
14 Jul 2015

Gluten not a bread-and-butter diagnosis

Internists have to sort through the symptoms of gluten sensitivity to confirm a diagnosis. Excluding celiac disease and wheat allergy is essential, as is managing the patient's expectations and lifestyle.
1 Sep 2014

Managing gluten sensitivity can mean managing patient expectations

This issue covers topics including clinical research on gluten sensitivity, proper preoperative assessments, and how to effectively prescribe methadone.
1 Sep 2014

MKSAP Quiz: 8-month history of crampy abdominal pain, loose bowel movements

A 42-year-old woman is evaluated for an 8-month history of crampy abdominal pain and three loose bowel movements per day. The pain is relieved by a bowel movement. There are no nocturnal bowel movements, and there is no blood or dark tarry material in the stool. She has not had fever, night sweats, or weight loss. She has a history of Hashimoto disease and is treated with levothyroxine. Following a physical exam, rectal exam, and lab tests, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
26 Aug 2014

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