Search results for "Antibiotics"

Results 141 - 150 of about 357 for "Antibiotics".
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Oral lefamulin noninferior to oral moxifloxacin in treating community-acquired bacterial pneumonia

Approved by the FDA in August, lefamulin is an “important addition to the current antibiotic armamentarium,” although barriers to use will likely include cost and tolerability concerns, an editor's note said.
1 Oct 2019

Most sinusitis prescriptions exceed recommended duration, study finds

More than 20% of prescriptions were for a five-day course of azithromycin, a course that the Infectious Diseases Society of America explicitly recommends against because of its known association with the development of drug resistance.
3 Apr 2018

Compression garments reduced risk of recurrent cellulitis in adults with chronic edema

A randomized trial, which was stopped early for efficacy, showed that compression therapy plus education on cellulitis prevention resulted in a lower incidence of recurrent cellulitis and cellulitis-related hospitalizations than education alone.
18 Aug 2020

Denial of some patient requests, but not others, associated with decreased patient satisfaction, study finds

Denial of requests was associated with worse patient satisfaction for referrals, pain medications, other new medications, and lab tests, but not for antibiotics, radiology tests, or other tests.
5 Dec 2017

MKSAP Quiz: Acute worsening of atopic dermatitis

A 24-year-old woman with longstanding atopic dermatitis is evaluated for an acute worsening of her disease in the past week. She has had increased pruritus and now has multiple painful areas within the involved skin. She has been applying petrolatum jelly and triamcinolone ointment and washing with gentle cleansers without improvement. Following a physical exam, what is the most likely cause of this patient's acute flare?
20 Mar 2018

MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up evaluation for meningococcal bacteremia

A 28-year-old woman undergoes follow-up evaluation after a recent hospitalization for meningococcal bacteremia. Lumbar puncture results during hospitalization were negative for meningitis. She completed a course of ceftriaxone 1 week ago and reports feeling well since stopping antibiotics. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate preventive measure?
4 Aug 2020

MKSAP Quiz: Posthospital evaluation for severe COPD

A 64-year-old woman is evaluated during a posthospital visit for severe COPD with an FEV1 of 30% of predicted. She has been admitted three times during the last year with acute exacerbations. Following physical and pulmonary exams, what is the most appropriate treatment to reduce this patient's COPD exacerbations?
20 Aug 2019

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for a superficial skin infection

A 20-year-old male college student on the wrestling team is evaluated for a superficial skin infection. He has a history of several episodes of folliculitis and furunculosis over the past year that has required systemic treatment. His recurrent infections were treated with various oral antibiotics, including cephalexin, clindamycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. He currently takes no medications, has no drug allergies, and is otherwise in good health. There are multiple, scattered erythematous papulopustules and nodules on the buttocks and upper thighs, some with a collarette of scale. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
6 Jun 2017

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for a firm, flesh-colored lesion

A 40-year-old man is evaluated for a firm, flesh-colored lesion that has been growing on the back for several months. Foul-smelling material can be expressed from the lesion. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
17 Sep 2019

CDC issues interim guidance on evaluation, treatment of suspected vaping injuries

The evaluation of patients with suspected e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) should include pulse oximetry, chest X-ray, and, in some cases, chest CT, the CDC advised.
22 Oct 2019

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