Search results for "Hip fracture"

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Atypical femur fracture risk increases with longer bisphosphonate use, drops after discontinuation

Researchers studied women ages 50 years or older who took bisphosphonates and were enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente Southern California health care system.
25 Aug 2020

PPI's benefits can outweigh their possible risks

The key to proper use of proton-pump inhibitors is monitoring patients closely to determine if they are benefitting from long-term therapy, or could potentially discontinue or reduce their dose.
1 Oct 2012

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for a new-patient visit

A 55-year-old woman is evaluated for a new-patient visit. Medical history is significant for an eating disorder. Although she has maintained a normal weight for the past 20 years, she notes that prior to that time her weight would fluctuate in a range correlating with BMIs of 17 to 19. Family history is significant for postmenopausal osteoporosis in her mother. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate management of this patient?
27 Mar 2018

Conference offers advice on palliative care

Sessions at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine's annual meeting addressed the need for treating hip fractures, the pros and cons of withholding treatment, and preserving opportunities for organ donation.
1 May 2015

Canagliflozin may not increase fracture risk in patients at low risk for fractures

Although canagliflozin has been linked to decreased bone mineral density, patients with type 2 diabetes who initiated the drug had similar risk of a first fracture as those who started a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist.
8 Jan 2019

Aspirin's use, effectiveness debated

This issue covers topics including aspirin's role in cardiovascular health, conference coverage for palliative care, and the growth of free clinics in medical education.
1 May 2015

MKSAP Quiz: Hypothyroidism

A 70-year-old woman with hypothyroidism fell and fractured her hip. During preoperative evaluation for hip fracture repair, she mentions recent mild fatigue, which has not significantly limited performance of her daily activities, and ongoing right upper-quadrant abdominal pain after eating. Following a physical exam and lab results, what management option is most appropriate?.
1 Apr 2010

Menopausal hormone therapy linked to breast cancer risk

An individual patient-level meta-analysis found that risk for breast cancer increased steadily with duration of use for all types of menopausal hormone therapy except vaginal estrogen and that risk was higher with estrogen-progestogen than estrogen-only formulations.
10 Sep 2019

Survey finds some patients hate pills more than others

Physicians prescribing and talking to patients about medication should keep in mind their patients' disdain for taking pills and the lengths they will go to not have to take them.
1 May 2015

Patients may overestimate benefits of screening programs, preventive medicines

Patients overestimated the risk reduction achieved with screening and preventive medications, and clinicians should keep that tendency in mind when discussing such issues with patients, a study found.
20 Nov 2012

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