Latest Core IM podcast episode features “Casablanca Strategy” of diagnosis

The Casablanca Strategy involves reflexively ordering a stereotyped battery of lab tests, and even experienced physicians use it in real-world practice.

Round up the usual suspects with a discussion of the “Casablanca Strategy” of diagnosis in the latest Core IM podcast episode, “Hoofbeats: A 65M with Fatigue.”

The Casablanca Strategy involves reflexively ordering a stereotyped battery of lab tests, or “rounding up the usual suspects.” This strategy is sometimes used by younger clinicians or when facing an unfamiliar clinical issue, but even experienced physicians use it in real-world practice.

Core IM offers CME-eligible podcast episodes featuring clinically relevant and internal medicine-specific information for physicians of all levels and backgrounds. After listening to each episode, ACP members can log in to the Online Learning Center to claim CME credit and MOC points.